Zoom Meeting Registration
Suggested Reading List
The books cited below supply important background material for this tour. It will be very helpful to each participant to read at least one book on this list which can be found in bookstores specializing in African-American topics.
Akua, Chike
African Origins of Our Faith
Ampim, Manu
A History of African Civilizations
Browder, Anthony
Finding Karakhamun
PASSPORT – American citizens traveling abroad must have a valid passport. Apply at your nearest passport office or clerk of superior court immediately. Non-American citizens need to check
with CTO for requirements.
VISA: EGYPT – A Visa is required; CTO will obtain a group visa for the group.
NON-U.S. Citizens please check with CTO for travel
VACCINATION: None at this time.
Dr. Chike Akua
Chike Akua, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of Educational Leadership at Clark Atlanta University and an African‐centered leadership strategist to colleges, universities, educational conferences, and urban schools, internationally.
Dr. Akua develops African‐centered curriculum resources. As the author of eleven books, he has written and published several books and parent/teacher guides designed for today’s students. Education for Transformation: The Keys to Releasing the Genius of African American Students is a book for teachers and leaders that is used in a number of urban school districts for professional development. It is also used in a number of colleges and universities for preparation of pre‐service teachers and leaders.
The book, Honoring Our Ancestral Obligations: 7 Steps to Black Student Success, is also used at a number of high schools, colleges, and universities by students and those who serve them.
Dr. Akua’s research has been published by academic presses in the following publications: African‐Centered Education: Theory and Practice (2020), The Journal of Black Studies (2020), and The SAGE Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America (2016).
Dr. Akua has been featured in Ebony magazine, The Washington Post, and Black Enterprise magazine.
Dr. Akua resides just outside Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife of 29 years and their two sons.